
Episode 9: Colonial Music

Music is one thing that really connects people, so learning about the music in a time period can tell us a lot about the people who lived in it! This week, 11 year-old Ruby asks us some great questions, and Dr. Hildebrand from the Colonial Music Institute joins us to answer them!

George Washington Dancing 

Harpsichord coloring page- source

Dancer coloring page (source)


Fife and drum coloring page (source)

From Mount Vernon





This piece (Performed by this week's guest!) was written about George Washington



Episode 8: Colonial Mealtime

Let's face it- meals are a big part of our lives. How we get our food, the dishes we use, and our mealtime traditions tell people a lot about us! The same was true in colonial times. This week, 5 year-old Joy asks questions about 18th century meals and we have two food historians joining us to answer them. 






Episode 7: Colonial Kids

We're back! In this next series of episodes, we'll be learning what life was like in colonial America. This week- what was life like for colonial kids? 


Elizabeth Mortlock and Her Son, by John Downman (learn more here)

Christopher Anstey With His Daughter by William Hoare (Learn more here)


Episode 6: The Southern Plantation Colonies

This week, we are introduced to the last of the 13 colonies. These are North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia- three southern plantation colonies. We learn all about plantation life including slavery, crops, and even talk about bugs! I'm joined by Shawn Halifax, Cultural History Interpretation Coordinator of the Charleston South Carolina County Parks and Recreation Commission. 


Mulberry Grove Plantation in Georgia (Georgia Historical Society)

Source: Patriotic Coloring Pages

Sir Robert Heath

James Oglethorpe



Episode 5: The "New" Colonies

New York, New Jersey, and New Hampshire are the focus of this week's episode. Eight year-old Sadie joins us with questions about rough winters, colonial Jewish culture, why these colonies all start with "new" and more. Then, Allyson Schettino, Associate Director of School Programs with the New York Historical Society answers Sadie's questions and then some. 

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William and Mary

Queen Anne

King George I

King George II

John Mason

John Cutt

Lord Cornbury

Lewis Morris

Congregation Shearith Israel